Our Mission, Vision & Values

Our Vision

A world that is forever changed for the better by the experience of choral music.

Our Mission

To create a thriving and welcoming artistic community through musical accessibility, community involvement, and educational outreach.

Our Values

  • Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); RAP turns to the unifying power of music to promote systemic change and commit to operating practices where all individuals are valued and honored, regardless of economic status, immigration status, accessibility challenges, or racial, cultural, religious, or sexual identity.
  • High Musical Performance Standard with Accessible Music:   We create an extraordinary and entertaining musical experience for our members and our audience. We perform repertoire that challenges both the singer and the listener, as well as music that is familiar and friendly.
  • Positive Membership Experience:  We provide a fun and unique choral experience for our members with a priority on member enrichment, belonging, and involvement. We create an environment that has positive energy and that engenders a safe and welcoming feeling for all of our diverse members and their families.
  • Fiscal Responsibility:  Our sound fiscal policy and practice permit us to function without financial barriers to anyone in our larger musical community who may have limited resources.
  • Organizational Flexibility:  When faced with obstacles, we focus on the problem, not the person, and use flexibility to find a resolution that works for the greater good. When faced with new opportunities, we generate creative pathways to take advantage of those opportunities.

Equity Statement

Resounding Achord Productions (RAP) is devoted to our vision to create a welcoming community through song. Additionally, it is our desire to embody the diversity of Silicon Valley as a whole. Thus, RAP is dedicated to ongoing practices of access, equity, and inclusion in all areas of our work at the highest levels possible. We turn to the unifying power of music to promote systemic change, and commit to operating practices where all individuals are valued and honored, regardless of economic status or racial, cultural, religious, or sexual identity.