We like to think of Resounding Achord Productions (RAP) as a service organization with a singing habit. Our associated choir, Resounding Achord, provides innovative high-quality choral music performance opportunities for our incredibly talented singers. Most importantly, Resounding Achord Productions is a service-minded group of singers and choral enthusiasts first. We serve other musicians, especially young ones, in any way we can.
This includes:
- Scholarships for High School Honor Choirs, both at the Regional and State levels.
- Joint concerts and collaborations.
- Donations to choirs and educational institution music programs in need.
- Programs like our Summer Conducting Program, which gives student conductors real-time rehearsal experience.
We hope to see you at an upcoming concert!
Resounding Achord Productions is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization.
Founders of Resounding Achord Productions
Johnathon Atwood, Jason Brittsan, Jan Clayton, Brian Gluth, Jacques Maitre, Jefferson Malone, Kristina Nakagawa, Ryan Nakagawa, Alex Strife
Advisory RAP Council
Dr. Charlene Archibeque, Johnathon Atwood, Dr. Jeffrey Benson, Timir Chokshi, Jan Clayton